OIPC launches Privacy Awareness Survey: Are you getting #PrivacyRight?

It’s been a year since the OIPC launched PrivacyRight, our office’s most comprehensive outreach campaign to date.
Our aim was to educate private sector organizations about their obligations under the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA), and provide easily accessible resources across multiple platforms to help them meet those requirements.
Since last March, we’ve published 10 webinars, a four-part animated video series, three podcasts, as well as guidance documents, newsletters, and blog posts.
We’ve also shared PrivacyRight information widely, including on social media, at Service BC locations throughout the province, through the Better Business Bureau of Mainland BC news and through our PrivacyRight mailing list subscribers.
As we pass the one-year mark, we’re launching our Privacy Awareness Survey for Organizations to learn more about private sector organizations’ awareness when it comes to these important issues.
And we want to hear from you!
Please note this survey is anonymous and the OIPC will not use any of the results for audit or investigative purposes. It is strictly intended to better inform our future educational outreach efforts.
Click here to take the survey.
The survey should take around 10 minutes to complete. It will remain open until April 10. Thank you!